Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I purchased these the same time that I bought the Mega Shield Lipcolors. I have been gone since October (eek!) and I have a lot of posts coming to keep an eye out! :D

These singles were $1.99 but at my local Fred Meyer there was a BOGO 50% so it was even cheaper, and I like that! lol

I picked up:
Platinum- soft dove or heather grey with silver shimmers
Gold Digger- shimmery antiqued yellow orangy gold
Stagedive- fresh bright shimmery blue
Trashed- shimmery black
Sellout- shimmery fuchsia

So my first impressions of these is..
I really like how sturdy these are, much more so than the original singles. I like how the names are on the back of product too. I could do without the eyeliners tho, I don't like Wet n Wild's eyeliners, oh well. My fav is Platinum, it's very soft in color. Not all in your face silver, I don't have a color like it.

Have any of you picked these up? Which one is your fav?

*photos are mine, please don't use*

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